2000 Photo of Tap Tapley  by Anita Stalter for Wanted Poster, p.jpg

This site is dedicated in loving memory to Ernest L. “Tap” Tapley, veteran, artist, musician, teacher and true pioneer of wilderness education.

Available Now

Breaking Trail - The Life & Legend of Ernest L. “Tap” Tapley America’s Pioneering Wilderness Educator

The life of E.L. "Tap" Tapley. Americas leader in wilderness education. Founder of outward bound and NOLS in the US and Mexico.

1988 - Tap with his Viola, at his shop in Santa Fe, NM

listen to tap talk story and play his viola


listen to tap talk story and play his viola 🎶

Share a story about Tap with us!

If you have a story or memory about Tap that you would like to share we would love to hear from you! Just fill out the form below.

We would be happy to accept any film, videos ,etc. that you would like to donate to taptapley.com

The content of this website and any and all of your stories, film, videos- mixed media, donated here, will add to Taps history and our ongoing efforts to share his inspirational life with the world and become the property of taptapley.com.

Thank you very much!